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Some content for normals

- My trail notes including photos and notes on various backwoods trails

- How to approach online privacy and security, written by someone with over 20 years experience making online services

- A short gateway article to '90s garage punk

Some Content for hackers

- A longish explanation about how and why noted came to be is over in dev.to

- If you like funny and insightful quotes from people like Edsger Djikstra, Fred Brooks, Dave Farley, or Martin Fowler, then use software-quotes.dat with fortune.

- Notes on how to set up a Macbook as a Java development machine

- Some CI / CD quotes and references

- Some useful Maven hacks

- An incomplete set of useful bookmarks for hackers

- An incomplete set of useful bookmarks for Java hackers

- A running list I keep on music that works for coding sessions

Next selection?
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